Location & Directions
Located in Mica Street off Bromide Street, you’ll find it easy to get to the property ….
If you’re driving, covered off-street parking is rear entry off Wolfram Lane
From Adelaide
Stay on the highway until you reach the roundabout on the corner of Bromide & Williams streets, then turn right into Bromide & right into Mica Street (or Wolfram Lane for parking).
From Sydney
Stay on Argent Street until you reach the traffic lights at Bromide Street & then turn right into Bromide & left into Mica Street (or Wolfram Lane for off-street parking)
From Wentworth / Mildura
Turn Left at the first roundabout into Bonanza Street, then head into town. Stay on the right hand lane as you head ‘over the hill’ into Crystal Street. Turn left into Bromide and left into Mica St (or Wolfram Lane for parking).
If you get lost call Heather on 0417 869 687 and we’ll help you out.